Flea And Worm Treatments For Cats: How Often Do They Need To Be Treated?

Cat Healthcare

As pet owners, we do everything we can to keep our cats happy, healthy and purring! From plying them with endless treats (even when we shouldn’t) to buying them so many toys that they are spoiled for choice! However, it's so important to ensure that you also keep on top of flea and worm treatments for cats, as they can help to keep those pesky critters away! Find plenty of advice on how to keep your kitty free from fleas and worms here!

How Often Should You Worm a Cat?

Cats need worming every one to three months to keep the parasites away, but it does depend on their lifestyle. If your cat spends a lot of time outside, then it's best to worm them every month, as they can catch worms from birds and rodents, however, if you have an indoor cat then you can worm them every two to three months.
It's really important to keep on top of these worming treatments, so if you know you'll have trouble remembering, put it in your calendar and add reminders to your phone, as this will make it so much easier to keep track!

What are the Symptoms of Worms in Cats?

Unfortunately, cats can still get worms even after regular worming treatments, so it’s important to ensure you know the symptoms of worms to spot the signs, should your kitty pick them up!
Worms can cause damage to the lining of the gut over time, causing serious health issues such as anaemia, dehydration and intestinal blockages, so it’s important to treat them as quickly as possible.
The most common worms in cats in the UK are tapeworms and roundworms, which can be picked up by eating birds and rodents - and we all know how much our feline friends love to bring a mouse or two into the house! They can also get infected if they come into contact with contaminated food, grass and water.
Symptoms of worms in cats include:
  1. Bloating/pot belly

  2. Weight loss

  3. Diarrhoea

  4. Vomiting

  5. Stomach pain

  6. Brittle coat

If you spot any of the symptoms listed above, it's best to seek the advice of your vet so that you can ensure your furry friend gets the proper help for their health.

The Best Cat Worming Treatments

There are a variety of cat worming treatments available in the form of tablets, granules, syrups and spot-on. If you have a fussy kitty, then you may find giving tablets difficult, but granules such as the Beaphar Cat Worm Granules could be the purrrfect solution, as they can be easily mixed in with food and they’ll never know!
If you have a less fussy cat, then tablets such as the Beaphar WORMclear for Cats is a great treatment. Tablets can normally be given with or without food, and the flavoured variety is great, as your purrry friend will think they are getting a treat!
For extra difficult kittys, there are spot-on treatments available, such as the Dronspot Spot-On. These fuss-free treatments are quick and easy to apply and will make cat worming day a breeze!

How Often Should You Flea a Cat?

Cats need to have flea treatments every month to keep those annoying fleas away! Even if you have an indoor cat, they need to be treated once a month because they can still catch fleas, as they can transfer from other people's clothes and items.
De-fleaing cats is important as an infestation could make them really uncomfortable and sore. Additionally, if the issue doesn’t get resolved, it could even cause serious health issues. So, make sure you keep on top of it - even if it means having a million reminders on your phone!
From medicines that you give on a monthly basis, to tools such as flea combs, there are a number of ways to find what suits your cat best to keep them flea free!

What are the Symptoms of Fleas in Cats?

When a cat has a flea infestation and it doesn't get treated, it can cause a number of symptoms, such as flea allergy dermatitis and anaemia from the blood loss.
Cats can get fleas from roaming in the grass and around other animals like local wildlife or from living with other pets. Moving house can also cause a flea infestation in your cat, especially if the place hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned.
Symptoms of fleas in cats can include: :
  1. Excessive scratching

  2. Skin irritation

  3. Hair loss (patches)

  4. Lethargy

  5. Pale gums

  6. Black specks in the skin

If you spot any of the symptoms listed above, you can ring the vet to seek advice. You can treat the infestation at home first using spot-on treatments, shampoos and combs and you will also need to ensure that your home is treated as fleas can end up on your furniture, carpets, bedding and clothes. If the infestation has been left untreated for a long period of time, then a trip to the vets may be necessary if your kitty is suffering from any flea-induced health issues.

The Best Flea Treatments for Cats

Cats can be fussy at the best of times, but there are plenty of flea treatments to pick from, such as spot-ons, powders, tablets and injections, so you can find one to suit your kitty.
Spot-on treatments, such as the Frontline Spot on, are easy and effective to use and don't require you to coerce your cat into eating anything. You simply apply the treatment between the shoulder blades once a month and it will absorb into the skin so that the active ingredient can kill those pesky fleas on contact!
If your furry friend has zero interest in swallowing a tablet, or just knows when you’ve disguised it in a treat, powders are a great choice, as you can sneak them into your cat’s food and they’ll have no idea! These types of supplements are required to be given daily to ensure that it works, so if you are forgetful this may be one to avoid!
If you have a fuss-free cat, flea supplements such as the Johnsons 4Fleas Tablets will work a treat (or work well hidden in a treat!). You can feed them directly to your cat (if they let you, that is!), or you can sneak it into your cat's favourite food…we won't tell if you don't! These tablets can be effective for up to a month, so pop a regular reminder in your calendar and you’re all set.
Flea injections can only be given at the vets and is a great option for those who have really fussy cats that make giving flea treatments difficult, whether this is a topical or oral treatment. Flea prevention is so important and this may be a last resort for cat owners, but these injections achieve long-term flea control as they last 6 months, which makes it so easy to keep on top of.
If your cat has been exploring in the great outdoors and you’ve spotted something wriggling in their fur, flea shampoo such as the Johnsons Cat Flea Cleansing Shampoo can be a great way to keep your furry friend extra protected, especially if they are always on adventures!
If you don’t have time to bathe them then the Nilaqua Towel-off Waterless Pet Shampoo makes defleaing super simple - just apply and massage the product in and then use a towel to dry them off, without the fuss of wetting your cat!
Keep your cat's health in purrrfect condition by ensuring that you stay on top of flea and worm treatments. Shop all your cat health treatments here at Jollyes so that you have a happy and healthy cat!