Taking care of your guinea pigs in winter often means you have to change up your routine a little to make sure they stay warm and comfortable throughout the colder months.
During the summer, they might be able to have a little more free reign, especially if they’re used to roaming the garden and stretching their legs. The winter months usually mean less moving around to conserve energy and warmth. On top of finding ways to keep your critters warm, you also have to get a little creative when giving them extra things to do to keep them entertained.
Can Guinea Pigs Live Outside in Winter?
Whether or not your guinea pigs can stay outside in winter really depends on what they are used to. If they have always lived outdoors, then bringing them indoors to keep them warm can cause more stress than anything.
Keeping guinea pigs warm outside will just take some extra precautions to make sure they are not in any draughty areas and their water isn’t freezing over during the night. In summer, we like to give them plenty of air to keep the hutch cool but over winter you may need to cover these to make sure the heat is staying in rather than escaping.
If you’re not sure whether your guinea pig can stay outside during the winter, watch for signs of stress. They should still be happy during the winter months, so if you notice them hiding away more than usual or overgrooming themselves, any major changes may indicate their stress levels are rising and they might not be coping with the cold.
What Temperature is too Cold for Guinea Pigs?
It’s normal for guinea pigs to become less active in the winter, but establishing if they’re too cold will mean looking for any signs of stress. If you do think your guinea pig is exhibiting abnormal behaviour because of the temperature, then there are a few things you can try to see if their behaviour improves.
If you were to move them into a shed or garage where it’s a little warmer and they become more active and return to their normal selves, it was likely too chilly for them, meaning you’ll need to look at ways to keep them warm throughout winter.
While guinea pigs tend to deal with being cold better than they cope with being too hot, just like us, if their temperature drops for too long, they can start to get sick, but can guinea pigs die from cold?
While the chances of them becoming ill and dying from being chilly are slim, they are more likely to get sick from the stress of being cold for too long and can therefore die from this. The RSPCA suggest anything below 15°C is too cold for guinea pigs, so you may need to look at how to keep them warm when the temperature drops below this in order to keep them happy and healthy.
How to Keep Guinea Pigs Warm Outside
Keeping guinea pigs warm outside during winter can be achieved in a few different ways. Once you’ve made sure the hutch is kept out of cold draughts or not likely to catch the brunt of any cold winds, ensuring that their bedding is adequate is the next task.
Some bedding will retain heat better than others - hay is surprisingly good at retaining heat. Other products like the Carefresh paper bedding is also a great insulator, and you can use a mixture of different options to be sure as much heat is contained as possible. For example, a layer of paper-based bedding along the bottom of the hutch will absorb any dampness so the hutch doesn’t get chilly and a generous layer of hay on top is perfect for winter. The bedding should be several inches thick so they can snuggle down into it and stay toasty.
Installing a heat lamp for your guinea pigs can help to make sure you don’t worry about them getting cold on the most bitter nights. Just make sure all wires are out of reach so they can’t nibble on them.
If you don’t want to add anything electrical to the hutch, then other options include heat pads that can be warmed and put under bedding and hutch covers so you can be sure no draughts get in.
Do Guinea Pigs Need More Food in the Winter?
Feeding your guinea pig during the winter months may also look a little different than in the summer. For them to stay warm through the colder months, they need extra calories to maintain body heat. Not only does this help to create an extra layer of fat, but if they need to quickly warm up they will sometimes shiver, just like we do, which requires extra energy. If you find they’re losing weight through winter, it could be because they’re chilly, so implementing ways to help keep them warmer while upping their food intake will help.
Caring for guinea pigs through winter is a juggling act between keeping them warm and providing them with extra enrichment to make sure they have lots to do. Sometimes the easiest option may be to take them inside, but if you aren’t able to or they don’t enjoy it, there are plenty of things like hutch covers and heaters to help keep the cold chill out.
Treat your beloved pet to everything they need and more this winter from our huge selection of guinea pig toys, food, and accessories. Keeping your guinea pig warm through winter could be as easy as just making one order!