As the joy of spring arrives, as does the urge to fill your garden with blossoming flowers, but have you ever thought about particular plants that attract birds too? Here are our selection of attainable plants you can introduce into your backyard to help you Â
·     Holly plants attract the most feathered friends in late winter, with visitors like blackbirds and redwing enjoying the berries!
·     Ivy flowers attract insects which make tasty food for robins, and once they grow berries in winter, they’re attractive to a wide range of birds. Their leaves offer nesting opportunities too!
·     Hawthorn trees are home to blackbirds’ and redwings’ favourite berry, and are a caterpillar food source which provides more meals for baby birds.
·     Honeysuckle not only provides food for birds in autumn, but shelter too! In the warmer months, its appealing scent attracts insects which is another food source for our feathered friends.
·     Rowan plants are all perfect in attracting birds to your garden, whether they grow crab apples or berries, whilst the seasonal colours are a gorgeous visual addition in your garden.
If you’re searching for new additions for your bedding area, planting wildflowers will also help to attract insects, which birds seek to feed on!