How to Stop a Puppy From Jumping Up: Puppy Training Tips

Puppy Training Puppy Training


  • Why do Puppies Jump Up?
  • Why Should You Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up?
  • How do you Stop a Puppy From Jumping?

Puppy Training Tricks: How to Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up

A lot of puppy parents wonder if their dog will ever stop jumping up. If you’re one of them, then you probably can’t wait for it all to stop, because even though puppies look cute, jumping up can be frustrating and potentially embarrassing if they’re doing it to strangers!
However, if you were wondering how to stop your puppy from jumping up, the good news is that with a little time, patience and careful training, you can teach your puppy to stop jumping up at you and unsuspecting members of the public!

Why do Puppies Jump Up?

Puppies are clever creatures and can quickly learn that jumping up at people gets them attention. Even if you tell your puppy off for jumping up, this still reinforces their behaviour and gives them the attention they’re craving.
Additionally, jumping up can be as a result of excitement – especially around new people. However, it’s important to teach your puppy not to jump up from a young age in order to prevent this unwanted vice.

Why Should You Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up?

It’s quite common for owners to allow this behaviour from their puppy, after all, what’s cuter than a little puppy jumping up to greet you after a long day at work?
Although a small puppy jumping up may not be an issue, it can start to cause problems when your dog is fully-grown. The main issue can be around your guests or strangers when you’re out walking your dog. It may be hard to believe, but some people just don’t like dogs, or they may even have a phobia, so your dog jumping up could scare them and cause them to react unexpectedly, which may even frighten your pup!
Additionally, if your dog jumps up at a child, they may end up knocking them over and causing an injury – and you certainly don’t want your dog to be labelled as dangerous!
So, if your puppy has started jumping up in your home or out on walks, it’s important to train this behaviour out of them as soon as possible to stop it from becoming a problem later down the line.

How do you Stop a Puppy From Jumping?

Training your puppy to stop jumping up can take a lot of time and patience, but it’s important that you’re consistent with your training in order to make it clear to your pup that their behaviour won’t be tolerated. So, how do you stop a puppy from jumping up?

Don’t Give Them Attention

When your puppy jumps up, it may be tempting to tell them off, however, this will still give them the attention they want. Instead, when your puppy jumps up, leave the room.
If you carry on doing this, you will soon find that you are able to stop them from acting up too much when you enter the room and you will also show them that they won’t be rewarded with attention.

Make them sit

Another great technique to stop your puppy from jumping up is to give them the “sit” command when you enter the room, and reward them heavily with their favourite treats when they follow your instructions.
Little things like this can really help to teach them to stop jumping up and you may find that it also helps them to show restraint and reduce excitement when someone walks into the room.
This technique is really helpful for dogs who tend to jump up to greet guests in your home, however, it can also be useful when you’re out walking if you ask your dog to sit every time they go to jump up at a stranger.

Keep Them on a Lead

If your dog gets particularly excited when out walking and tends to jump up at every stranger they meet, then you may want to consider keeping them on a lead when you first start training them.
Although you may want your pup to have a good run around and enjoy themselves when they’re on a walk, if they’re causing a nuisance to every stranger who dares to walk past, then it’s important for you to remain in control in order to teach your dog to stop jumping up at people.
Walking your dog on a lead will help them to learn that they don’t need to greet every human that passes by them! However, it is important to ensure you praise them for walking past people calmly when out and about, and making them sit if they start to get a little too excited by an approaching stranger.

Ask Your Guests to Help

When you’re training your puppy to stop jumping up at your guests, it’s a good idea to ask all of your visitors to follow your lead when it comes to your puppy jumping up at them and not to give them any attention for this behaviour, otherwise, they could end up undoing all of your hard work!
Although it may take some time and effort to stop your pup from jumping up to greet people, it will certainly be worth it in the end when you’re able to trust your dog to behave themselves around your guests and strangers! Explore our blog for more puppy training tips and advice from our experts so you can have one of the best-behaved pups around!