Indoor Cat Exercise

Cat Indoor Cat Cat Exercise


  • How do I keep my indoor cat fit?
  • Why should my indoor cat do this?
Fitness can sometimes seem like such a chore; step counting or getting in those early morning gym workouts to make sure your desk job doesn’t mean your only steps for the day are coffee and toilet breaks. Even our pets need to be conscious of their exercise. We walk dogs to make sure they stay fit and they don’t have too much energy in the house and we let our cats out to roam so they effectively go off and get their own steps in!
When it comes to indoor cats, we have to get a little more creative with making sure they’re being as active as they need to be. Some kitties just seem to want to sleep all day and while that’s a lifestyle we can all envy, it won’t benefit them in the long run when they get overweight and their joints get sore early in life because they’re simply not using them enough!

How do I keep my indoor cat fit?

We’ve all seen those giant cat exercise wheels which are fantastic to look at but they’re expensive, bulky and what do you do if your cat decides that wheels are for hamsters, not for them? There are plenty of ways you can incorporate some exercise into their daily routine without spending a fortune and you can even join in with them to help make sure they’re having a great time as they get their very own workout in.

Walkies aren’t just for dogs

While you think you might be a bit stuck when it comes to getting steps in with your feline friend, don’t rule out the option of taking them on walks so quickly. It might be more common to see cats on leads over in the USA where there are more natural predators so cats are more often indoor cats, but there’s a reason why it’s so popular. A walk with your cat might look a little different, as they try to scale trees instead of dig in the dirt, but it can be just as enjoyable.
To take your kitty on walks with you, you just need to get them used to wearing a harness like the Ancol Reflective Cat Harness & Lead Black. Practice indoors, at home initially until they’re comfortable enough to wear it to start going on adventures outside. Just make sure you get them microchipped before you start going on walks to be extra safe.

Tag, you’re it

Cats love to chase, from the moment they open their eyes and start working on their motor functions, they’re developing their skills to be able to eventually catch food themselves. Kittens will play fight which is building their skills as tiny hunters. Indoor cats might get the opportunity to watch birds from the window but they rarely get a chance to really harness their natural instincts as hunters. Many toys that get them moving are always tapping into that and helping them get their extra energy out in ways they naturally might anyway.
Laser pointers like the KONG Cat Laser Pointer Toy can be great fun to get your kitten running around like crazy and trying to pounce on the red dot. You should always let them catch up to it every now and then and to make sure it’s gratifying when they do, give them a little treat as a reward.

Play cat and mouse

If you’re looking for a toy for your feline friend to chase and get a workout in but also have the satisfaction of catching their prize, the Hexbug Remote Control Mouse Cat Toy is a great option. With bright, eye catching colours, they’re bound to have their attention grabbed by this pesky little mouse. You can control it with a remote control that comes with it to save getting too close to the action and risking your toes! The idea is very simple but a toy that your moggy can chase around and catch can keep them entertained for hours at a time.

Get them jumping for joy!

If you want to get a little more hands-on with your play time then a teaser like the Rosewood Patchwork Fish Teaser Cat Toy. Teasers help you to play with your cat as many cats can be reluctant to play by themselves. Dangling a fun teaser toy for them to chase means you can alter how high-energy the play is. While the whole point of indoor cat exercise is to get as much energy out of them as possible, for young kittens they shouldn’t exert themselves too much. An adult cat can play with a teaser and leap high into the air to grab it but for a kitten who is still growing you can drag it along the ground to avoid any joint trauma. Teasers and wants are versatile cat toys to help bond with your feline friend.

Cat ready to spring.

Make dinner time fun

Having an indoor cat means you’re always trying to find new ways to keep them occupied and get them up and moving. You can use fun games and treats but you can also find ways to make them work out for their meal. A Catit Treat Ball is a great way to get them moving. You can put their everyday biscuits inside and to get access to them, they will need to chase it around waiting for them to fall out! Not only is it a way to get them moving but they can have great fun chasing it as well.

Provide outlets for natural behaviour

Many of a cat’s natural behaviours will get them up and moving too. While you can tap into the hunter in them with different toys, scratching is also a very natural behaviour that burns calories. Cats love to explore, they enjoy climbing and scratching so instead of trying to chase them off the arms of your couch, give them outlets to practice this, especially when they’re indoors cats who can’t go and practice it outdoors. Scratching posts like the Rufus & Rosie Tingley Cat Scratcher are a great way for them to stay in shape and get some extra exercise.

Why should my indoor cat do this?

It’s important for indoor cats to stay fit and healthy through physical activity just as any other cat, you just have to put more effort into giving them the opportunity to stretch their legs a little. Be it some high-energy play or a nice stroll with you to check out the neighbourhood, there are plenty of different things you can do with your kitty to keep them happy and healthy. As we know when it comes to people, physical exercise is also closely linked to mental wellbeing and the same goes for cats. Exercise makes them happier and gives them a fulfilling and exciting life which we, as their caretakers, should strive to give them. You can find everything you need to help your feline friend live life to the fullest in store and online.