Fuel your dog’s health with Lifestage raw beef, a nutritious dog food made with 80% premium raw meat, offering a complete and balanced meal for dogs of all ages. This vet-approved grain-free dog food provides essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals to support strong muscles, a shiny coat, and overall vitality. Whether you have a playful puppy or an active adult dog, this healthy food for dogs delivers the nutrients they need to thrive.
Unlike heavily processed kibble, Lifestage raw beef is made from natural, high-quality ingredients, ensuring your pet gets wholesome, real food without artificial additives or fillers. This healthy dog food promotes better digestion, improved energy levels, and enhanced overall well-being. Serve it as a primary dog food or mix it into meals as a pet treat to keep mealtime exciting and nutritious. Convenient and easy to store, Lifestage Raw Beef should be kept frozen at -18°C and used within two days after defrosting.
Beef with Bone (63%), Carrot (10%), Beef Lung (9%), Broccoli (5%), Beef Liver (3%), Beef Kidney (2%), Kale (1%), Spinach, Linseed Oil, Chicory Extract, Inulin, MOS, Yeast, Glucosamine, Chondritin, Yucca Extract, Thyme, Cranberry, Dandelion Root, Marigold, Ginger, Turmeric
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You must order before 12pm for our 1-2 business day(s) express and 2-3 business days standard shipping.1-2 business day(s) express and 2-3 business days standard delivery is from dispatch from our warehouse. Most orders placed before 12pm will be dispatched the same day.
DELIVERY TO REPUBLIC OF IRELAND CURRENTLY SUSPENDED: Due to the current situation, our carriers are not making deliveries to the Republic of Ireland. Because of this, we are unable to offer delivery for the time being. We will update the site when this changes.
Option | Price |
UK Standard 2-3 business days Delivery (order before 12pm) for orders over £40 | Free |
UK Standard 2-3 business days Delivery (order before 12pm) for orders between £10 and £39.99 | £2.99 |
UK Standard 2-3 business days Delivery (order before 12pm) for orders below £10 | £4.99 |
UK Express 1-2 business days Delivery (order before 12pm) | £5.99 |
Option | Price |
Northern Ireland Standard Delivery | £7.99 |
Isle of Wight Standard Delivery | £13.99 |
Scottish Highlands Standard Delivery | £13.99 |
Isle of Man Standard Delivery | £16.99 |
Channel Islands Standard Delivery | £16.99 |
Free UK delivery is only applicable for mainland UK addresses, delivery charges will still apply for Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Wight, Scottish Highlands, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
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Lifestage Grain Free Raw Dog Food Beef 500g
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